15 minute Video Phone Consultation – Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor – Diagnosis Advice Education


Fifteen minute video phone consultation including Chinese medicine diagnosis via facial and tongue examination, discussion of current and past symptoms, family history, drug use, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and psychological/mental considerations, traumas, and other significant diagnostic data may be assessed to formulate a treatment strategy using acupressure, herbs, moxibustion, auricular medicine, cupping and other natural tools.

15 minute Video Phone Consultation – Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor – Diagnosis Advice Education


Fifteen minute video phone consultation by a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor with over 20 years clinical experience treating patients with Traditional Chinese Medicine which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine.  By understanding your diagnosis along with advice and education about tools of self therapy you will establish long term health benefits for life!

The Consultation may include Chinese medicine diagnosis via facial and tongue examination, discussion of current and past symptoms, family history, drug use, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and psychological/mental considerations, traumas, and other significant diagnostic data including western lab results and western medicine diagnosis.

An assessment of all these topics may be considered to formulate a treatment strategy based on Traditional Chinese medicine which uses acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, moxibustion or the warming of body points with burning herbs, auricular or ear medicine, cupping, meridian and magnet therapy, medical qi gong, tai qi, energy generation exercises, and other tools like yoga and Ayurvedic Medicine.

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